Wednesday, July 21, 2010

More Rain, More Weirdness

I'm starting to establish a routine here. Breakfast at Denny's, got on the road to travel to Columbia, SC. The trip was mostly uneventful, except for two things.

About 30 miles outside of Columbia I could see a huge storm in the distance. Pulled over, through on the gear, and glad I did because it rained buckets for a little while. But, it cleared up pretty quickly, and with the sun baking down on me, my suit dried in about 20 minutes.

As I pulled into Columbia, it reminded me of North Reading's Route 28. Not a big place, not a lot going. Out of nowhere appears this monstrous stadium. Monstrous isn't even a strong enough word to describe the structure, because there is very little around it, so it's such a sharp contrast. I guess the South Carolina Gamecocks play there. That's when things got weird again. The sign was inviting me to buy tickets for the 2001 football season.

This is the second time in just a few days I've been somewhere and there's been something really wrong with the date. There was the whole Ron Paul incident in New Jersey, and now this. Have I been riding my motorcycle so fast that it's torn a hole into the time space continuum? I'm beginning to think that the sign I photographed on the door at Jack Rabbit's wasn't kidding (see Day 4, 3rd picture down).

I'm at the laundromat now, killing time before the show, killing some dirty laundry before the show, too.

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